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Welcome to SoulStrolling™! We have created this site for those who want to take their personal journeys to a new level—whether at home or faraway. This is not about being frantic tourists. Therefore, we are not tour guides. We are, instead, pilgrims seeking a meaningful way of being and living. We are about creating and sharing soul-full experiences, and moving forward with intention each day whether at home or in a new city or foreign country.

Pause. Take a look around. Allow your soul to take a stroll. We are delighted you’ve chosen to join us in this space. You can find the Principles of SoulStrolling here. 

SoulStrolling™ is a trademark of Sharon Richards and Kayce Stevens Hughlett. 


Cuba ~ Ceremony, Santeria, & Window Watchers (part two)

From January 14 – 22, 2016, Kayce Stevens Hughlett had the privilege of traveling with a small group of photographers to the island of Cuba. For nine days this writer chose to journey through the lens of a camera. This is the second in a series of glimpses into her act of SoulStrolling™ while there and upon returning home.

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Cuba ~ a Feast of Delight & Sorrow (part one) 

From January 14 – 22, 2016, SoulStroller Kayce Hughlett had the privilege of traveling with a small group of photographers to the island of Cuba. While not a photographer per se, for nine days she chose to journey through the lens of a camera. This is the first in a series of glimpses into her act of SoulStrolling™ while there and upon returning home.

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5 weeks in France, Part 3 - My Heart Hurts

My heart hurts, so I write – to process my feelings, to grieve, mourn….. I go to words and images, to find my voice. Not so much to search for meaning, for that feels vague. I write to uncover my soul, to dare to go deep into anger, sadness, shock.

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5 weeks in France, Part 2 - Patterns Below my Feet

I have this thing with floors. Actually, I have this thing with what’s below my feet. I’ve noticed this for a long time. It’s not a new thing. I find myself wearing shoes/soles that reflect my soul. “Travel by foot. There is so much you can’t identify at top speed.” Cheryl Strayed

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5 weeks in France, Part 1 - Reflection

Did you know there are wide wooden chairs on the Seine in Paris? Along the left bank, in a lovely hidden spot, floating on barges, just begging for a soul to lounge. I simply could not refuse the invitation.

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