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live it to give it is all about love and connection. Being authentic. Living our lives and sharing it with others. Life is messy and so is this blog. Somedays my organized coach self shows up. Other days it's my vulnerable author. There's a mom that lives inside me alongside a wife, friend, social justice activist, creative muse, ponderer extraordinaire, and multitude of others. I'll introduce you to people who inspire me and offer a peek into my world that very likely intersects with your world. In other words, I will share life in its full, glorious mess with you. I'm honored you're here and I hope you'll come back soon!!  Cheers! Kayce 


Entries in pilgrimage (71)


Kindred Spirits Hit the Road

Kindred spirits come to me/us in a variety of shapes and forms. Today, Tess and I go to the airport and meet another of my most kindred, Christine. This is the part of the journey which is the least planned. How cool is that?

I have never been a tour-group-kind-of-girl and signing up for the pilgrimage with a group of 35 was a bit of a stretch for me. Friends and family (and I) still marvel at the fact that I took off for Paris - solo and had the time of my life. Anyone who reads here knows that I love to listen to the little niggles in life and follow where the wind might blow. When I decided to come to Ireland, the one thing I knew for certain was that I needed to head out into the countryside - away from the city, the tour buses and the usual guideb00k route. Perhaps being the daughter of a long-distance truck driver taught me the appreciation of the open road.

So...back to kindred spirits... Christine and Tess have volunteered to go with me wherever the trail may lead us AND they are going to let me drive. We have a car reserved, an atlas in hand and miles to go before we sleep. You'll have to wait until I return stateside to see where we land.

Today, Tess and I pick up Christine at the airport and hit the Irish road. As the plan goes, we should be back in Dublin by Sunday afternoon in time to start the "real" pilgrimage. I hope you will tune in tomorrow and enjoy the driving instructions I received from C's beloved (another kindred spirit) who has entrusted her to me for a few days.

Woohoo!! We're off on the winding Irish road. May traveling mercies abound!!

photo © taken in eastern washington


Not one. But not two.

"Just like the sun and its light, the ocean and the wave, the singer and the song. Not one. But not two." -- Joan Chittister quoting an ancient

Earlier this week Sunrise Sister wrote a lovely post reflecting on traveling and whether or not we have companions alongside us. One of the main questions people asked as I prepared for my trip is "who are you going with?" or "are you traveling alone?" I have had a hard time responding. I mean - do we ever really travel alone? On the flipside, can anyone else truly know where we've been or where we are going? "Not one. But not two." Profound, huh?

Today, I am reunited with one of my favorite blogging sisters, Tess of Anchors & Masts. We met online several years ago and had the delight of meeting in person almost two years ago in Paris. She is taking on the daunting task of keeping me awake throughout the day so I can get myself acclimated to UK time. Additionally, she has offered to meet me at the airport, steer me toward our lodging and carry my bags. Now that's a great traveling companion!

photo from Paris 2008


Leavin' on a jet plane

The heavy is the root of the light.

The unmoved is the source of all movement.

Thus the Master travels all day

without leaving home.

However splendid the views,

she stays serenely in herself.

Lao-Tzu, Tao de Ching
(found at Whatever else my life is...)

My bags are packed. I'm ready to go. Oh, goodness. I'm channeling John Denver. :-) The sillies and giggles are taking over about now. When I read the above quote at Rebecca's site, I could not help but think of my own trip. As I consider "the heavy is the root of the light," I realize all that has gone before to bring me to this place. Years of heaviness and weight has somehow been transformed into amazing groundedness.

When I think of going to Ireland, I imagine the cliffs and the air so thin between heaven and earth that you can reach out and touch the ancestors who have gone before us. I feel the air holding me and lifting me like a feather. I feel like I can float away on the wings of the wind. Perhaps I shall. Still, I know the "heavy" will hold me. It will balance the light. There is freedom in being grounded. There is movement in the unmoved. I could stay inside the four walls of my own home and "travel all day". Today, however, I'm leavin' on a jetplane. Don't know when I'll be back again. (There's John Denver again. Do you think he's Irish?) Like I said, goosebumps and giggles have taken over my body and I am light as a feather. I feel like I could fly to Ireland without the plane.

Stay tuned for updates along the way. They won't be prime time, but they'll have to do.

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me

Hold me like you'll never let me go

Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
-- John Denver


Ireland Bound

"In Ireland it is considered a 'soft day' when the drizzle and mist caress the earth. This softness often seeps into the soul, opening and inviting the heart to be present."

Six months ago I read those words in an invitation to pilgrimage from Spiritual Directors International. As I looked out my Seattle window onto a Northwest 'soft day', my heart responded with a resounding "yes." At the time, I had little knowledge of what any pilgrimage entailed. I just knew I had to go.

Details like time and money helped the naysayers try to convince me maybe the trip wasn't such a great idea. Then I sojourned to Houston for the SDI conference where I was helping my friend, Christine, man her booth for Abbey of the Arts. Angels had been busy at work before our arrival and the pilgrimage call spoke loud and clear as I realized our table sat less than two feet from the guides for the Celtic journey. By the end of the conference, we felt like old friends and, needless to say, I had paid my deposit and was setting a path for Ireland.

Tomorrow, I board a noon flight to Chicago and from there to Dublin - arriving at 8:30 a.m. (12:30 a.m. pst). My journey started long ago, but I (hopefully) depart with bags packed, passport in hand and a heart open for surprise.

My computer will not be traveling with me. I am taking only the essentials, however, in preparation for my trip I have created a series of posts to appear over the next several days outlining my itinerary. I started to say "where I am going," but that question remains to be answered. Please join me for the adventure and feel free to leave a comment or two in case my wireless service works and I take a peak. It would be wonderful to know you're along for the ride.


Labyrinth of Life

“Furthermore, we have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us. The labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god. And where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves. Where we had thought to travel outward, we will come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we will be with all the world.” -- Joseph Campbell

The image of the labyrinth is one of a journey both inward and outward. It appears to meander and as with most journeys in life it is not linear. Lately, I seem to find the theme of pilgrimage everywhere. Part of it is that I have surrounded myself with books on the topic to help prepare for my own journey next week to Ireland. However, even as I am entering into those texts, I find how they overlay with my daily life and how I walk the path of pilgrimage each day.

Recently I was asked by my therapist (yes, I go to therapy and spiritual direction) whether or not I often ritualize things. My initial reaction was “no” and then I realized that ritualizing or re-creating experiences is what I do to make meaning. The therapist was referring to a recent event I relayed about visiting my parent’s grave in Oklahoma. It was a surreal and impacting event. As I sat between my parents’ gravesites, I listened to the silence around me and was gently led through a process of ritual that led to new healing in my relationship with my parents. It was a time of journeying inward to see what needed tending. I could not have planned it or if I had, I am certain the outcome would not have been the same. Nevertheless, I chose to enter the labyrinth of my childhood and was surprised by the healing that took place through a reenactment (ritualizing) of another time in space.

Last weekend, I led the Returning Home to Yourself workshop. It was yet another holy time. Looking back, I noticed how I had prepared and planned each exercise in great detail and with loving care. I was ready for the journey. Once it arrived, however, I found that by holding lightly to how I thought the group might respond and letting go of any perceived outcomes, the experience became richer than anything I might have imagined. A universal holiness came over the room as we engaged in ritual created in the moment. I stood in the center of our own labyrinth and let the spirit of God meet me there. In doing so, our group became one and more healing occurred.

In my last post, I asked the question, “How do you prepare for pilgrimage?” I am learning how it is I prepare and for today I believe this is my modus operandum: I do my homework, set aside time and space, lay the groundwork and then let go of everything I just did. In other words, I get out of my own way. Expectations and what if’s vanish into thin air and God moves in and creates something greater than I could possibly imagine. Sunrise Sister writes of a similar experience while visiting the holy land of Ephesus and Rebecca shares the same as she enters quiet time in her own home.

Today my pilgrimage has included an unexpected visitor early in the morning. Followed by the welcoming of a furry friend to visit for a few days. Sunshine. Blue skies and even a short nap before heading to work this afternoon. This evening, my family will gather to celebrate my daughter’s 17th birthday. All of these things make up the journey of a lifetime right here in my own backyard. They are the labyrinth I enter into and out of each day. They are where I meet the world and where God meets me. How can I possibly prepare? My only hope is that I be ready when the moments come.