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Oodles of Delicious

For Christmas, I received a wonderful little diary called "Keel's Simple Diary." It has sometimes silly and often thought-provoking prompts to jot down reminders of your life. Yesterday's first prompt looked like this:

Your day was (choose only one).

() getting there () outspoken (X) like spaghetti.

Explain why: ... oodles & oodles of deliciousness!!!

My days continue to be full and I miss spending more time around the blogosphere, but I am savoring each moment. Part of the SAVOR comes from a wise woman who has come to visit for the weekend. Yesterday's "oodles" consisted of an extended morning (er afternoon) in our pajamas with lots of conversation, giggles, a few tears, rain rain rain, a little food, snuggles with the kitty and more conversation. Decadent? Perhaps. The stuff of life worth savoring? Absolutely!

The evening ended with my January SoulCollageĀ® workshop and 10 fabulous women in attendance. Blessings truly abound.

This morning the rain seems to have abated for awhile, so perhaps we'll ease out of our pj's a little sooner and take a walk... and talk, and giggle and probably cry a little. Ah yes, it is indeed a time to savor!

So... How was your day? (choose only one).

() getting there () outspoken () like spaghetti.

Explain why:

Reader Comments (14)

(x) getting there ... sometimes there can be too much pjs and cuddling with a kitteh or two! Maybe.

Today I had some delicious cuddling time with Bogart who is more and more coming out of his shell as the medication heals his gut. He now likes to curl up in the crook of my neck on my pillow. He gets up after a while, circles around and positions himself to get a larger percentage of the pillow. Eventually, he takes over.

Lovely photo of Aslan. Isn't the sound of purring wonderful in your ear? Ommmmmmm!

January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara

I checked out Keel's Simple Diary -- what a wonderful gift! I may gift this to myself soon! It certainly beats the "diarrhea diaries" I keep on my cats' litter habits for their vet! :(

January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara

(X) None of the Above!! In an attempt to get centered today I am trying to get quiet, centered and stay untangled and in the now! Love, from Oklahoma

January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I think I have to choose:

(x) outspoken

Yesterday, I responded to someone telling me they could do nothing for Haiti by writing a second post for my blog. Then I read another's blog and had to respond (on that blog) with words as equally as on point as hers about why we must give for Haiti and give now. All very respectful and, it turns out, useful.
Today, I posted a long poem, "What the Pictures Tell Us", that speak out about the images coming from Haiti.

January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaureen

P.S. Some day, I would love to meet you and Sunrise Sister. Sounds like you two are having a wonderful time.

January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaureen

(X) like spaghetti. There are some knots and tangles, but life tastes very delish.

(x) getting there. Because I just came from the Faculty Orientation at UNM-Taos, where I teach, and afterward was a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the new classroom building where my class will be.

Since I'm actively involved in securing funding for the next building project - a library complex, I'm happy to know that we're "getting there"!

And I feel this way in my personal life too. I'm seeing some of the spiritual work I've done having real effect, and I see more clearly what is still be done.

Thanks for asking, and I'm glad you're enjoying yourself!

January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Pollinatrix

what a fun game!

like spaghetti
so many different strands weaving through it, and I always cook too much!!!

January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKel

How was my day?
(x) like spaghetti
Why? Life can be messy....but delicious! It's all part of the journey.

"In a dark time, the eye begins to see"

January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPrairie Girl Wanderer

(x) getting there.
And I think this post was just an excuse to show off another photo of the gorgeous Aslan!

January 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTess

barbara - i'm sitting here snuggled up with my golden boy and wonder if there really is such a thing as too much cuddle time?!??! the purring really is mesmorizing, isn't it??

hey oklahoma - way to go making up your own rules... there was no option of "none of the above"!! hope you found center! xoxo

maureen - what a grand way to be "outspoken"! yes, SS and i do know how to have a wonderful time with very little (or no) effort!!

tinkerbell - we're on the same plate with the spaghetti!

pollinatrix - thank you for sharing your "getting there". it is quite inspiring. you go girl!!!

kel - oodles of noodles for you, too!! sounds like abundance to me :-)

prairie girl - safe travels to you on your continuing wondrous journey!! xox

tess - there's always a good excuse for posting a picture of aslan :-)

wait til you see the flying kitty - coming soon!!!

January 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

oodles of delicious - love it! Sounds like a really neat journal.

January 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEveline Maedel

Oh it was definitely a savory, delicious spaghetti day of a day!!!!


January 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSUNRISE SISTER

I definitely say it's getting there...grumpily finding another rhythm, embracing what is, looking for gentleness within...yes, getting there...

January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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