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What We Already Know

Did I ever tell you about my Hawaiian labyrinth experience? Perhaps not because it kind of fits into one of those categories of inexplicable. It was a journey even getting there. Recommended by my friend and fellow spiritual director, Mary Ellen, we (six adult family members) were on a mission to find the Sacred Gardens in Maui. (In reality, my sister and I were on the mission - the rest were more or less agreeable to join in the adventure.)

Upon arriving at the gardens, we were greeted by their giant guardian angel, Bodie. His joyful presence occupied the dog lovers with 150 pounds of slobbering puppy love. The gardens, book store and two labyrinths nestled into the center of this tropical island were entertainment enough for the rest of the gang.

When I finally made my way outside to the path surrounded by tropical forest, a fellow traveler had already started his walk. Rather than crowd him, I waited until he reached the center and began his trek out. For a few minutes we traversed the gravel pathway together, moving in and out along the sacred road. While I was only mildly aware of his presence, there came a moment when he stopped at the edge of the circle, paused and then stepped out. In that split second, I felt a noticeable shift in the energy around me - not good, not bad, just different. The labyrinth was now all mine.

Walking with gentle steps, I became aware of light raindrops touching my bare skin. There was something fresh and new about the drops sifting through the green foliage, while contented birds sang in tune with my every step. Not being one to let a little water slow me down (it is, after all, my word for the year), I continued my pilgrimage. The rain persisted and picked up speed as I realized I would soon be soaking wet (having only just dried out from the morning's beach combing.) That was when the second angel appeared - Eve, (appropriately named in this garden of Eden) the proprietress, silently offered me a giant umbrella to help keep me dry.

Striped bumbershoot in hand, I continued my walk toward center. Upon arrival, I found the rest of the world had slipped away. I wasn't aware of anyone or anything except the present moment. Time stood still. As I tipped my head back to peek from beneath my shelter, the rain slowed down to the pace creation. I could see each drop appearing, one by one. And as I felt my whole being stretching upward, I experienced the hands of God reaching for my own - forming the drops of moisture out of thin air and pouring them into the being that is me. Aaahhhhhh. Yes, time stood still.

There are moments in a lifetime, I believe, that cause a molecular shift in your whole being. Even though they may drift in and out of conscious memory, they are embedded in who I am - in who you are. Currently, I am reading about Yoruba religion (a new one for me). In this tradition, Yoruba wisdom speaks of "recalling what we already know within." While I cannot adequately describe with words, I know that standing in the center of the Sacred Garden's labyrinth was one of those moments of "recalling."

How about you? Have you ever experienced moments of recalling what you already know deep within?

For my "official" review of God is Not One, visit here Monday, April 26 when I’m featured on the TLC Book Tour.

Bodie & Sacred Gardens © h3 images - artwork currently on display here and here.

References (5)

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    Response: 加拿大28
    幸运破解器 Lucky Patc 幸运28 her是一款来自破解大神ChelpuS的软件破解工具,是一款神奇的软件,幸运28,破解那些收费游戏, 幸运28,pc蛋蛋幸运28,pc蛋蛋|幸运28|北京28|加拿大28 那么百信手机商城小编今天要告知大家使用教程,玩游戏的童鞋们有福啦,幸运28,pc蛋蛋幸运28,pc蛋蛋|幸运28|北京28|加拿大28! 幸运破解器Lucky Patcher是一款来自破解大神ChelpuS的软件破解工具,可以破解不少软件或者游戏。而ChelpuS恰是钛备份、SPB桌面以及PowerAmp音乐播放器的激活器作者。这些软件都堪称付费
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    在平时工作中统计数据 pc蛋蛋幸运28,pc蛋蛋|幸运28|北京28|加拿大28 时,我们常常会制订数值的位数,今天小编为大家先容一下excel2010中的数值类型。  在下图中我们能够 APP,pc蛋蛋幸运28,pc蛋蛋|幸运28|北京28|加拿大28 看到输入的数值位数是不法则的,假如咱们要设定数值的位数该怎么办呢,pc蛋蛋幸运28,pc蛋蛋|幸运28|北京28|加拿大28?首先选中须要更改的单元格,在鼠标右击菜单中抉择“设置单元格格局”如下图所示。  在“设置单元格格式”中取舍“数值”选项,APP,pc蛋蛋幸运28,pc蛋蛋|幸运28|北京28|加拿大28,在右侧可以修正小数位数,修改实现后单击“断定”按钮。  设置完
  • Response
    Response: 加拿大幸运28
    黄金分割现 幸运28怎么投注 象在天然景象中随处可见,大批的剖析统计表明,黄金分割法同样实用于彩票分析,俗称优先法或0.618法。黄金分割点有0.618、0.382、0.236,如何应用这三个黄金分割点来取舍号码呢?在双色球抉择号码时,详细步骤有:一、把6个红球相加,得到和值;二、用跟值除6,得到6球的均匀值;三、再用平均值分辨乘以0.618、0.382、0.236这三个黄金宰割点,得到三个数值;四、再把这三个数值分离±1,幸运28怎么投注,总共是9个号码,在这9个号码中个别会呈现2个左右的奖号。
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    Response: pc蛋蛋软件
    玩了PC蛋蛋2年多,对其开创的幸运28游戏几乎到了痴迷的水 幸运28开奖 平,但是跟着玩游戏的时光越多,大多数的游戏玩家仿佛都难逃归零的运气。大家可能会问,这毕竟是哪里出问题了呢?不要急,下面就让我们对这个游戏进行一下概率的剖析:最简略的单双各概率50%,无论盈亏概率都是50%,也就是说,就算我们永远地玩下去,我们最多也只能保障不亏罢了。永远有多久?一万年吗?到时候咱们恐怕也成了化石了。事实证实,这条途径行不通!我们须要寻找另外一条光亮大道。下面我们来看看另外一组数据:中32.1%,边67.9%。那么中跟边又是
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      据懂得,幸运28- PC蛋蛋幸运28网站,很多人玩游 幸运28- PC蛋蛋幸运28网站 戏都是一点小输就退缩了,也没想过自己找找思路办法,实在要胜利就必需要比别人付出多一点,保持自个的准 幸运28移动app分享 则并实行下去,总能看到好的货色。   今天幸运28移动app分享一个好的模式,大家都晓得PK10里面开奖法则根本都是热号越出越猛,幸运28攻略,所以PK10基础都是追热、观温、弃冷,多数的PK10玩家们都是追冷追死的,其实可以操作4N即4的倍 幸运28攻略 数,压这几个数字:4、8、12、13、14、16、17、18、20、22、24、26按网站的尺度做好投

Reader Comments (10)

Well I was distracted for a long time by the picture of Bodie, who I want to adopt, but I'm very glad I moved on to read about your experience.
That awareness of energies, of the slowing of time, such a gift. Yes, there have been moments like that for me, the most vivid a long time ago in my childhood. Trees - there's something in the energy of trees which recalls me to prior knowledge.
(I've started the book now but not yet as far as the Yoruba, which is new to me, too.)

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTess

Beautiful, lucy.
I am not sure such 'recalling' ever happened to me. Life-changing, molecular-shifting experiences, yes. Recalling at this point, I could not say.
Thank you.

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterclaire

tess, isn't bodie a treat? you're not the only one who wanted to adopt him although i imagine his food budget could probably feed a small country!

trees - oh yea. i got a huge dose of that ancient knowing when i was in ireland.

thanks, claire - my supposition is that those molecular-shifting experiences are a form of recalling - kind of like clicking the right combination on a lock when for a brief moment everything comes into alignment. who knows? pondering. pondering. pondering.

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

ah yes
the magic of the labyrinth works and weaves the mystery around and into us

thanks for sharing your experience - i had been waiting . . .

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKel

hi kel - yes, the magic of the labyrinth... i meant to pop over to your labyrinth post and let you know i finally got this one up. thanks for stopping by!

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

Every day I live my life backwards
and being held by Love

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSorrow

sorrow - thank you for those gorgeous words. may i quote you?

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

Beautiful post and lovely remembrance for me:) My life changing moments may have to wait until another day for posting......:)


April 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSUNRISE SISTER

SS - i anxiously await hearing of your moments :-) xoxo

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

Finally getting around to commenting here, lucy. I encountered one of those "deja su" moments (my expression). I finally understand the idea of nonduality, a concept I have felt uncomfortable with for some time. It has to do with letting paradox be. I can sit with that. I knew that already. Why don't they just say paradox? Anyway, I thought about you when I wrote my blog post today.

April 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara

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